
I’d like to say thus idea came to me in a dream, but it didn’t. It actually started by recognizing I had placed personal blinders on options that I either considered distasteful or not practical in the 21st century. In my research I have uncovered an incredible number of people that are finding ways to do things in a down economy that not only baffle the mind, but inspire possibilities. I may share some of my own ideas, but more often than not I will be sharing the concepts, videos and links of those who are doing something about less expensive living. Together maybe we can find new ways to find contentment with what we already have.

Thanks for dropping by. My name is Glenn. I’ve written for hundreds of websites, but never really for my own, Oh, there are a few blogs from the last decade that had me posting two or three items about my life and then faded away due to lack of interest, but I think it’s about time we hear from those making life work when it doesn’t seem like it should. No complaints – no excuses – just great ideas to do more with what you already have. These are the brave men and women who are turning down the volume on their credit cards and turning up the idea of making decisions today that will positively impact tomorrow, the next day, week, month and year. They refuse to let life simply happen to them. Stick around, there’s some people you really should meet.

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