Category Archives: Quick Tips

Quick Tips – Scratch, Thrift and Reuse

We have a facebook group that share thoughts and tips on a regular basis. Many of those tips wind up here. Enjoy a new set.

Learn how to shop at thrift stores. Half of the thing in my kitchen came from there. LeCreuset, Calaphon, JA Henckels, Sabatier, All-Clad, Wusthof are now part of the things I use daily. No matched sets but they all work. (Occasionally you find really nice stuff like the handmade 1930s copper pots from Switzerland for $15, pictured) I’m wearing a pair of Doc Marten shoes I got for $7.50, my son paid $145 for a nearly identical pair.
The key is to shop often and learn when new items are put on the floor. (Good stuff doesn’t last long) Don’t shop with a specific item in mind, just know what you need or what you would like to upgrade. (From member Jerry)
Hitting that balance between paying high price for just a name or spying quality in a lesser name takes some time and a few mistakes along the way.
Of course, the occasional ‘scratch and dent’ saves a lot too! Our ‘scratch and dent fridge lasted 25 yrs!” (From member Pat)

One of the things I have used for about 14 years now is cloth napkins. We use them for all meals. One time we had one of our girls and her family visiting and we were having BBQ. Our Grandson Ky looks at me and says Nana are you sure you want me to use this it is going to get REALLY dirty. ( He was about 5) Besides not wasting a lot of tree’s there is just something special about using a cloth napkin. I just started throwing away napkins from the set I first bought in 97, not because they were stained but because the fabric had worn. (From member DeLinda)

Words of Economic Wisdom From Readers

We invite readers to share their own “Less Expensive Living Ideas”. Here are a few for your consideration.

Gonna give away one of my prime secrets here: find grocery store coupons in your towns recycle center newspaper bin if it’s easy to access like mine is. I always do this before making my shopping lists. – Bill L.

Plan for travel…Hotels often offer a fairly deep disount for “paid in adavance” – “Non-refundable” bookings. I just saved 20% on my hotel bookings for Thanksgiving, which is quite a bit! – Jerry K.

My husband really wanted a pressure washer … saw one on the clearance aisle and waited, and waited, and waited. Caught it on the day they marked it down another 50% off the sale price. Got it for less than 25% of the original price. It felt WONDERFUL and he appreciated a really nice birthday present! – Katie R.