What’s In A Name?

There’s lots of cool names for sites that seek to improve the way you live. This could be high pressure money making sites or things with the words simple, country, or better in their title.

I chose Less Expensive Living with a purpose. Yes, it is possible you may find this type of information can lead to simple or better living, but then again you might not.

“Less Expensive” doesn’t always mean your life is simplified. In fact, there are times when less expensive means inconvenience and essential planning. “Less Expensive” may not even seem better if you’ve come to rely on convenience.

“Less Expensive” signifies an intentional choice – not just to get a better deal on something, but to engage in changes that affect your entire mindset and lifestyle.

There are plenty of attributes that will be common among those who choose this life direction and we’ll share some of the stories and successes of guests and Facebook followers along the way.

Here are just a few traits of those who choose “Less Expensive Living”…

  • They attempt to fix before replacing
  • They comparison shop before buying
  • They consider the merits of used before buying new
  • They are less inclined to adopt new products until they have both proven themselves and are competitively priced
  • They regularly review expenses to see if there are any adjustments that can be made that would result in savings.
  • They seek ways to simplify life
  • They chose delayed gratification over impulse buying

You may have a few ideas of your own, and I’d love to read them.

Today’s economy may have a more than normal group of people interested in saving money, but there have always been those who have chosen this lifestyle. What I find interesting is that many who embrace “Less Expensive Living” are also some of the most generous.

This mini-movement isn’t about becoming Scrooge – it’s about freeing yourself to be able to do more for and with your family – for and with others. When we chase money we may get what we wanted and lose everything that is really important.

Consider this story I once heard…

There once was a man who visited a small island. He had saved his money to afford the trip. As he walked along the beach he noticed a man sleeping under a tree. For some reason this sight disturbed the traveler. “Hey,” he called, “it’s the middle of the day. Shouldn’t you be working?”

The resident woke up and smiled at the traveler, “Is everything OK, Sir?” he asked.

“Well, for me, yes. For you? I’m not so sure. Why are you sleeping when you could be working?”

“I ate this morning,” the man smiled, “and look at all this fruit. I will eat again.”

“Yes, but you should work. Maybe become a fisherman”


“So you could sell your fish.”


“So you can make money and buy a house.”

“Then what?” The man said with a mischievous gleam in his eye.

“Then you could earn enough to buy a boat, then a fleet of boats.”

“I like this story – go on,” the man enthused.

As the traveler said the next words they began to slow as he realized the impact of the words, “By working hard for many years you could finally earn enough money to take a trip to a beautiful island where you could relax and enjoy yourself.”

Less Expensive Living requires an alteration in thinking. Maybe you’re the island dweller in the story – maybe you’re the visiting businessman. Perhaps you’re somewhere in between.

Thanks for dropping by. More to come.

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